When Fear Creeps In
Fear is a four letter word that all people contend with. From time to time it creeps in and can enter at any moment when we lose focus on where our purpose and value lies. It takes us out of the mode of creativity and open ideas to one of survival and pressure.
This past week I noticed that I was gradually losing my center as I allowed thoughts to go too far into the future. “How will things turn out in 3 months?” I asked myself. “What will life look like?” “How will I make happen all the things I hope and wish?” “Can I do this?”
Coming face to face with the unknown is one of the biggest triggers of fear.
It’s easy to think we know what tomorrow will look like and that we have control of our circumstances. But sometimes life happens and we are confronted with the reality that things may not always go as planned. Covid 2020 is teaching us about this reality in a BIG way.
I like to believe that the opposite of fear is TRUST.
I came to the realization that in light of everything I do not know or have control of, I do have the power to choose my mindset. And I can choose to trust. Trusting in myself and my abilities and trusting that everything will be OK. Needs will be met and desires fulfilled. Sometimes all we need to do is continue showing up each moment of every day, allowing it to unfold and surrendering to what life has for us. Living this way lends itself to more ease and happiness, flowing with the river of life. It keeps the whisper of fear at bay and opens up room for greater peace of mind.
Where have you noticed fear enter your life? Do you feel empowered to overcome it?